Estic Tool Wireless Setup

Estic Tool Wireless Setup

STAGE 1 : Interface and Pairing 

1. Install the Estic Software from the Ansomatic Folder :

\Ansomat\ENGINEERING - Documents\Suppliers\ESTIC

2.Connect to the Device using a Data Cable and not a power cable.

Connect Power and switch wireless Interface on (position 2)

If you get the Error on power up : E109 ,  press the reset key on the front panel to reset the error :

3. Press the mode button until you get  'NSET'  on wireless screen

4. Press the up arrow to get rid of the 'n'  ,Then press set to search for the tool

5. On the Tool , left button press and hold till it you get the message TL INF

6. Press the same button again 4 times till it displays Config

7. Press the far right button on the tool till is states Config nSET

8. Press the right button again and it should state Config EXE on the tool

9. Hold the tool close to the wireless receiver till both have flashing purple lights. Wait till the wireless and the tool say Power off .

10. Remove the battery from the tool  , place it back and switch it back on , it should now be paired .

Stage 2 Software 

1. Open the software on the laptop/pc
2. Click on the 'Blue Arrow' Download Button and Select USB as communication to Tool , then press OK
3. Click on program-parameter setup
4. Click on Add Channel/Program
5. Click on the next available selection number ( 1,2,3 .....)
6. Click ok , then click on advanced Settings to Configure the Parameter Tool 
Beware of the following parameters which can make severe changes : Sock Time / Run time and Pulse Level

Changing the Tool from Manual To Automatic Mode 

1. Click on System Parameter Setup 
2. Go to S05 - change from channel select  from channel internal to channel external
3. Go to S11 - ( TCP IP )
4. Select the I.P address you wish to call the tool by  - then ok - ok then upload - then ok

Configuring the tool in Ansomatic Software

Settings - Tools - Add new Tool - Torque Tool - Fill out the relevant details and I.P. address then click ok.

N.B. : Job  is P1 under steps , a task is P2 under steps .